Jenny Macklin has given substantial public funding for service delivery on the APY Lands to an Aboriginal Corporation in Special Administration ("AP Services") without any kind of procurement process.
Minister Weatherill’s most recent allegations on ABC talkback radio on 26 June 2009 that APY is obstructing a court in Umuwa is untrue.
Mr Weatherill has not complied with the Development Act by lodging a development application which sets out the proposed use of the building for which development approval is sought.
Professor Mick Dodson recently made a public statement to the effect that we should take a lesson out of Aus Aid’s book and learn from what Aus Aid does in Aid work.
Minister Weatherill’s most recent allegations made on ABC Radio about APY are again incorrect. No person involved in electricity generation or roadworks has been denied a permit. APY has learned today the Manager of the Umuwa Central Powerhouse has resigned due to a dispute with the Workshop Manager of AP Services. In relation to roadworks, APY has productive relations with DETI which have opened up roadworks to public tender for the first time. All tenderers for roadworks for the financial year beginning 1 July 2009 and relevant public servants have been given permits.
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